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Thursday, 27 May 2010

The importance of beauty

After two blissful weeks I have started to get used to the good life on Bali. What I love most and what moves me most and sticks in my memory is of course the people you meet when you travel this long. I feel so lucky to be able to stay a few weeks in one place to really get to know the locals and see how their everyday is.

Everywhere you look there are offerings for the gods. Always wrapped up nicely and with decorations. If you go in a taxi or car in the morning they will stop and make sure to receive an offering from someone, this will then bless the car journey. They constantly have big celebrations and ceremonies, one of which was their " christmas".

How is it possible that we dont see more dogs who have been hit by a car since they sleep and live in the street. ( or monkeys for that matter) You do see cats everywhere with only half a tail, but then of course they have nine lives...

The Balinese do really know how to make every day more beautiful. All of the  island's roads are decorated with flowers, bamboo, grass etc. Imagine how different London would feel if all the streets were surrounded by decorations.


The Photodiarist said...

Bali looks beautiful!

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