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Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Life on paradise island

Well well, I promise I will not bore you with lots of pictures from different beaches, that would be too mean. I will try to compose a little travel guide to each country I go to though, but with time. We have been travelling around on Bali and my first impression coming from Nepal was how touristic it is. Of course it should not come as a surprise but as the contrast was so huge it made me a bit exhausted about it all so we decided to stay away from the worst by staying in a quiet surf spot in the south called Belangan beach. 

The other day walking in and out of shops ( of course to use all the ac cold air) I realized what a huge impact Bali has on design, for being such a small island. Both within interiors, architecture but also in fashion. I recognise many prints and styles which have been copied from here to be used in big fashion houses. If you have lots of money to spare Bali is a stunning place to spend it in. The people are so warm and happy and proud of their island.
Once you get over the first question: Where are you going?( - remember to have a specific place in mind as they don't understand walking around without anywhere specific in mind), then immediately they want to help you or start up a conversation.  But not to make money from you but out of curiosity. I can not count the amount of times that I am dumbfounded by how they go out of their way to help us find a place we are looking for or to answer a question. Often I am told to wait while they get their scooter to take me where I am heading so I dont need to walk. Why can it not be more like that in the west? How did we become so selfish and time aware?


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